“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Journey

I've decided I'd like to blog some about the journey I'm on. I have one foot in the water but I'm not ready to jump in! I need to practice, practice, practice. That's what I'm doing. No one starts at the top and no one builds a business and brand over night. The manner in which I get the best practice is through doing a session. There's no way to anticipate what exactly may occur, interactions with participants, location, light, etc. without just doing it. I'm learning like crazy right now and hope to be able to continue to put my skills to the test and further develop.

Do I want another lens and a better camera body as well as my own custom site and logo, well heck yeah. I have to go through this process at my own pace though to get there. As an ex Marketing professional I realize the importance of brand and professionalism but unfortunately I don't have the budget I did in the corporate world, hehe.

Additionally, I also have to continue being the best Mom I can be to my boys during the process. They are still babies and need me a lot and I love it! I am inspired by photographers that I admire and seeing where they started and where they are now. Everyone has their own journey and tackles it in a different manner. This is how I've chosen to "skin the cat" so to speak.

That said, this month has given me the opportunity to develop with 4 sessions of different types. You'll see one more family session posted soon. I have a few more on the horizon as we move into Spring.

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